Elevator safety is paramount in any building, whether commercial or residential. As a building manager, you play a crucial role in ensuring that the elevators in your facility operate safely and efficiently. While the technical aspects of elevator maintenance might be handled by professionals, there are several steps you can take to ensure the safety and comfort of your building’s occupants. Here are some vital tips to consider.

1. Regular Maintenance and Inspection:

Scheduling regular maintenance checks is the cornerstone of elevator safety. Engage with a reputable elevator service company to conduct inspections and identify potential issues before they escalate.

2. Stay Updated with Safety Regulations:

Elevator safety regulations can vary by region and are frequently updated. Ensure you’re familiar with the local codes and standards and that your elevators comply with them.

3. Emergency Preparedness:

Ensure that all emergency systems, like alarms, phones, and intercoms inside the elevator, are functional. Regularly test these systems and train your staff on how to respond in case of an elevator emergency.

4. Educate Building Occupants:

Hold regular safety drills and distribute informational materials to educate occupants about elevator safety. Topics can include the importance of not overcrowding, what to do if an elevator gets stuck, and avoiding the use of elevators during fires.

5. Maintain Clean Elevator Cars:

A clean elevator is not just aesthetically pleasing but also safer. Ensure that the floors are slip-resistant and free of debris, and regularly clean the buttons and handrails, especially in the current health-conscious environment.

6. Monitor Elevator Usage:

Install CCTV cameras (where legal and with appropriate notices) to monitor elevator usage. This can deter vandalism, ensure users are following safety protocols, and provide valuable information in case of incidents.

7. Implement Access Control:

For buildings with security concerns, consider integrating access control systems with elevators. This ensures that only authorized individuals can access specific floors.

8. Stay Informed About Elevator Recalls:

Manufacturers sometimes issue recalls for elevator parts that might have defects. Regularly check for such recalls and ensure any affected components in your elevators are promptly replaced.

9. Provide Adequate Lighting:

Good lighting is essential for user safety. Ensure elevator cars and lobbies are well-lit to prevent trips and falls and to create a sense of security for occupants.

10. Feedback Channels:

Create a system where building occupants can report any elevator issues or concerns. This not only keeps you informed about potential problems but also demonstrates to occupants that their safety is a priority.


Ensuring elevator safety is a continuous process that requires vigilance, awareness, and proactive measures. By following these tips and collaborating closely with elevator service providers, building managers can foster a safe and efficient environment for all building occupants.

At Urban Elevator, safety is our top priority. If you have any concerns about your elevators or need assistance in implementing safety measures, our team of experts is here to help.